1997. Demonstration Material for the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute (BCRI)
Interactive Educational Website with Panoramic Photography Tour
Andrew C. Bairnsfather Sunday,  August  7, 2022   @ 8:26 PM  -0400

Thanks to Chiquita Marbury the Bir­ming­ham Civil Rights Insti­tute (more: Wikipedia.org) called me up to help them with some office com­puter issues they were hav­ing. I jump­ed at the chance.

Of course I wanted to help make their Mac ex­perience as smooth as pos­sible, but I was very much hoping to en­courage them to take serious­ly a new tech­no­lo­gy called QuickTime VR which allowed for im­mersive images, direct­ly navi­gable by push­ing the mouse in a pano­ram­ic photo­graph in the direction you wanted to see.

QuickTime VR also included object movies so I included a few for fun. I put their initials (BCRI) in an object movie, using a font of my choosing since I didn’t know their official font.

Below are some screen­shots of a simple demo of a web­site I built to show off hyper­text web­pages and embed­ded virtual reality pict­ures using QuickTime VR.


Using the BCRI logo (top left), mission state­ment at the time (gold on blue), and a smat­ter­ing of sections of their organiza­tion I learned about (navi­ga­tional menu), a quick mockup was made.

The picture of their entrance (top right) is act­ual­ly an im­mersive pano­ramic photo­graph. Push to the right and see some of the 16th Street Baptist Church. Keep on look­ing around and see some of Kelly Ingram Park. (Below are screen­shots of pages, not the actual page itself; thus the panos will not work.)

I wrote some simple copy to help show an example layout.

[Screenshot of demo homepage for the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute.]


This is one of the panoramas I shot indoors in their permanent exhibits.

The BCRI initials are an object movie which could be moused around like a real object.

[Screenshot of demo site for the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute holding panoramic photograph of a permanant exhibit.]


An interactive panoramic photograph of their foyer entrance.

Also showing the QuickTime VR object movie of the BCRI initials has been interacted with.

[Webpage holding panorama of the academic quadrant.]


I designed a simple inter­active edu­ca­tion­al section. A set of pages one could learn more about the items in the photo­graph by click­ing on them. In this case, the men in the painting. Click­ing each person load­ed inform­ation about the person on the right.

Welcome to webpages of the 1990’s.

[Webpage holding panorama of the BSC Library.]