A little bit about CompuDrew.com …  more later …
CompuDrew.com Thursday,  July  28, 2022   @ 8:01 PM  -0400

Many years ago I tried to earn a living as a computer consultant for Apple Mac users.

I helped trouble-shoot and fix prob­lems for individuals and small busi­nes­ses, installed simple cat-5 wired ethernet net­works, developed FileMaker Pro data­bases, trained retail sales­people while an Auth­orized Apple Product Rep­resen­tative (AAPR), and delved deeply into all sorts of multi­media creation.

I built some web­sites in the 1990’s and aimed to specialize in panoramic and object photography.

One of my favorite projects was a multi­format CD-ROM which could be played in a CD player and also held computer data acces­sible to Apple Mac, Microsoft Windows, and UNIX users.

Back when down­load­ing 1 mega­byte took over 10 minutes and down­load­ing 10 mega­bytes over a modem was only for the extreme­ly dedicated and lucky (since most or all web servers couldn’t re­sume a down­load after an in­t­er­rup­tion) I be­lieved deliver­ing media-heavy web­pages was best done using CD-ROMs.‍[Logo: End.]

As time goes on I’ll add more and link to some examples.