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Do you like Computers? Education? Creating? Being in touch? Being spied on?


Not So Long Ago

[Solar calculator] The last time you pulled out your not-so-retro solar-powered cal­cu­la­tor from your purse, pocket, or desk drawer - we know it wasn’t blab­bing / up­load­ing / spy­ing / “shar­ing” the price you were pay­ing or the calor­ies you were count­ing. And it wasn’t using a micro­phone to eaves­drop on you because the people who manu­fact­ured it, or those who think they “allow­ed” you to have a micro­pro­cessor, de­served to listen-in on your conversations.

The Problem Now

Foreign state-sponsored hack­ers, im­mat­ure people look­ing for a thrill, busi­ness com­peti­tors look­ing to ding your rep­u­ta­tion or worse, people try­ing to frame you in an em­barras­sing way, stalk­ers, the list goes on; NONE of them de­serve ANY access to your stuff.

Not everything praised and market­ed as “SMART” or “In­tel­li­gent” is a wise choice for you, your loved ones, business as­so­ciates, or government. Not everything hyped as “safe” increases safety; sadly, the opposite happens, safety decreases.[Logo: End.]

More to follow …
