Birmingham-Southern College Campus Panoramic Photographs
Tour with Hotspots on a Multiformat CD-‍ROM
Andrew C. Bairnsfather Sunday,  July  31, 2022   @ 7:39 PM  -0400

Back around 1998 I made a promo­tion­al CD show­cas­ing some of what my small business offered. I built a web­site on a CD-ROM to hold some QuickTime Virtual Reality (VR) pano­ramas.

The panos were taken around the Birmingham-Southern College campus. As can be seen in the screen­shots below, the pano­rama takes up just part of the window; this was because the panos had hot­spots embed­ded in them.

Click­ing an area of the pano with a hot­spot would load in­form­a­tion about what was click­ed on, or per­haps load another pano­rama thus con­tinu­ing the tour around campus.

People without a computer could play the CD in a CD player to hear an audio-only portion.

[Webpage holding panorama of the BSC Campus Center.]


[Webpage holding panorama of the BSC Library.]

The web browser in the screen­shots of the campus center and library is iCab by Alexander Clauss.


[Webpage holding panorama of the academic quadrant.]

This pano­rama has some hist­oric sig­nif­i­cance. Not too many years later a tall clock­tower was erected on the very spot I took this pano.

The screen­shot above was taken in Netscape Navigator; not version 2.2N which was their best version for the Mac in my opinion. This is per­haps ver­sion 3 or maybe 4.

(At that time Netscape was in such a battle with Microsoft, dev­el­op­ment of the Apple ver­sion of Netscape’s browser suf­fer­ed. Apple, Apple’s cust­omers, dev­el­o­pers and con­tent creat­ors were suf­fer­ing as well due to Microsoft telling Apple, among other things, to “knife the baby” and kill off QuickTime, Apple’s video soft­ware. Software required to create and play the VR I was making.)


A few years later I returned to take a night­time pano­rama.

At the far right you can see the clocktower lit up against the sky.

[Nighttime panorama of BSC showing Dorms, Library, Campus Center.]